  • 品牌
  • Strahl & Pitsch LLC
  • 型号
  • SP63 NF

    巴西棕榈蜡中国药典2020年版四部【类别】药用辅料。【贮藏】遮光,密封保存。安全性巴西棕榈蜡广范用于口服制剂,化妆品和某些食品,通常认为基本无毒、无刺激性。外观:巴西棕榈蜡比较大的优点是它具有其它蜡所没有的极高的光亮度和超乎寻常的硬度。此外,它的抛光特性使其成为制造上等蜡必不可少的原料。成份:脂肪酸脂,羟基脂肪酸脂,桂酸脂肪酸脂,脂肪酸和烃类。包装:净重为25公斤透明聚乙烯塑料袋包装。用途:巴西棕榈蜡可用于食品上光、光亮纸和复写纸制造,油漆制造(尤其是彩色漆制造),同时它还可以和其他蜡一起用于生产化妆品、油脂、塑料、隔热材料和绝缘材料。认证编码:E-Number903EINECS:232-399-4CAS-Number8015-86-9BT-Number1521-1010imco-code:--无毒。美国史东毕斯公司,巴西棕榈蜡Carnauba Wax SP-63,NF.。江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax

江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax,蜡

NCI: Cera Flava (Beeswax)

CAS #: 8012-89-3

EINECS #: 232-383-7

Country of origin: USA

Composition: Natural Beeswax


Test Method Specification
Color Visual Yellow
Melting Point Current NF Monograph 62 - 65 °C
Saponification Cloud Test Current NF Monograph NMT 65 °C
Fats or fatty acids, Japan wax, rosin, and soap Current NF Monograph Passes Test
Acid Value Current NF Monograph 17 - 24
Ester Value Current NF Monograph 72 - 79
Residual Solvents Current NF Monograph None Detected
江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax美国史东毕斯公司, 白蜂蜡 White Beeswax, SP-422G,NF。

江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax,蜡

型号 SP-6G


Yellow Beeswax, NF

SP-6P is one of our flagship yellow beeswaxes and suitable for food, pharmaceutical, personal care, and nutraceutical industries along with hundreds of applications.

INCI: Cera Flava (Beeswax)
CAS #: 8012-89-3
EINECS #: 232-383-7
Country of origin: USA
Composition: Natural Beeswax


Strahl & Pitsch' LLC is the leading global refiner of Beeswax, producing White and Yellow Grades of Beeswax, certified to the current USP/NF Monograph, Food Chemicals Codex, and other compendium.


  • High binding strength

  • Pronounced plasticity

  • Excellent emulsifiability

  • Emollient base

  • Gelling agent

  • Viscosity modifier

  • Plasticizer

  • Improves structure, oil retention, and pay-off for stick applications

Forms Available:

  • Granules

  • Slabs

  • Cakes

Beeswax is compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.

    巴西棕榈蜡。1.性状:棕色至浅黄色脆性蜡,具有树脂状断面,微有气味2.密度(g/mL25ºC):3.相对蒸汽密度(g/mL,空气=1):未确定4.熔点(ºC常压):83-915.沸点(ºC,常压):未确定6.沸点(ºC,):未确定7.折射率(n20/D):8.闪点(ºC,):未确定9.比旋光度(º):未确定10.自燃点或引燃温度(ºC):未确定11.蒸气压(kPa,25ºC):未确定12.饱和蒸气压(kPa,60ºC):未确定13.燃烧热(KJ/mol):未确定14.临界温度(ºC):未确定15.临界压力(KPa):未确定16.油水(辛醇/水)分配系数的对数值(25℃):未确定17.上限(%,V/V):未确定18.下限(%,V/V):未确定19.溶解性(mg/mL):不溶于水。溶于热乙醇、热**、热氯仿、四氯化碳、油类。STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 巴西棕榈蜡 Carnauba Wax SP-63XFP。

江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax,蜡

INCI: Paraffin

CAS #: 8002-74-2

EINECS #: 232-315-6

Country of origin: USA

Composition: 100%


Test Method Specification
Color Visual White
Identification IR Current Paraffin NF monograph Complies
Congealing Point Current Paraffin NF monograph 47 - 65 °C
Acidity Current Paraffin NF monograph Complies
Alkalinity Current Paraffin NF monograph Complies
Readily Carbonizable Substances Current Paraffin NF monograph Complies
Limit of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Current Paraffin NF monograph Complies
Limit of Sulfur Compounds Current Paraffin NF monograph Complies
Residual Solvents Class 3 MEK Current Paraffin NF monograph NMT 0.5%
Residual Solvents Class 2 Toluene Current Paraffin NF monograph NMT 800 ppm
STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 黄蜂蜡Yellow Beeswax, SP-6G,NF。江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax

STRAHL & PITSCH, INC. 固体石蜡 Paraffin Wax, SP-173,NF.江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax




SP422Pisoneofourflagshipwhitebeeswaxesandsuitableforfood,pharmaceutical,personalcare,andnutraceuticalindustriesalongwithhundredsofapplications.INCI:CeraAlba(Beeswax)CAS#:8012-89-3EINECS#:232-383-7Countryoforigin:USAComposition:NaturalBeeswaxINCI:CeraAlba(Beeswax)CAS#:8012-89-3EINECS#:232-389-7Countryoforigin:USAComposition:100%BeeswaxSP-424GBeeswaxWhiteBeeswax,NFDR-101PWhiteBeeswax,NF 江苏史东毕斯辅料巴西棕榈蜡Powder Carnauba Wax

上海临辰医药科技有限公司属于医药健康的高新企业,技术力量雄厚。公司是一家私营有限责任公司企业,以诚信务实的创业精神、专业的管理团队、踏实的职工队伍,努力为广大用户提供***的产品。以满足顾客要求为己任;以顾客永远满意为标准;以保持行业优先为目标,提供***的泛解酸内酯,有机可可粉有机果粉,阿拉伯胶 瓜尔胶 ,BIS TRIS 。上海临辰医药以创造***产品及服务的理念,打造高指标的服务,引导行业的发展。

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